My Eating Disorder: Looking Back and Moving Forward

Hello, dear friends 🙂

After a long and busy couple of weeks, I have finally found the time to type this post for both you and me. Last week was National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, and this is near to my heart because not long ago, I myself struggled with an eating disorder.

I mentioned last week that I shared my eating disorder story with a small group of people for the Boston University Nutrition Club’s NEDA week event. I had seen that the club put NEDA week as an event on their calendar, so I reached out and offered to share any sort of support or personal account. Thus, the club officers invited me to speak about my story following a discussion about eating disorders led by Jennifer Culbert, MS, RD, LD.

And now, here I am to share some bits and pieces of my story with all of you. Since I told a lot of my story for NEDA week last year, I am going to focus on some aspects of my eating disorder that I did not cover in that post. In retrospect, I’ve learned just how deep my obsessions ran and how profoundly (and negatively) those affected my life. As the theme of NEDA week states, when I was in the midst of my eating disorder, I had no idea.



P.S. Grab a seat and some coffee or tea. This is a long one. 🙂

My obsession with body image started when I was only 7 years old. I did not even realize this until recently. The more I tell people that I used to figure skate when I was younger, the more I remember how I used to compare myself to other girls. No one ever pressured me to have a certain physique when I figure skated or danced, but I think the performance aspect of both sports comes with a hyper-awareness of aesthetics.

I distinctly remember wanting to have nicer legs and a six pack. At seven years old. I skated with one girl who had muscular quads and hamstrings, and I wondered why my legs didn’t look like hers. I was a fit young’n who trained several hours per week, supplemented with Pilates and ballet, but why didn’t my body look as toned or fit? My negative self-image made me believe I was weaker.



My insecurities went haywire when I gained a little weight. The natural perfectionist in me freaked out when I saw in photos and dance audition videos that my hips were wider and my legs were bigger. Rather than embracing my womanly curves, I wanted to run far away from them.

I would “pull” at my fat constantly and make negative comments about myself. I know I’m not the only one who was (and occasionally still is) guilty of the fat-grabbing. I’m not saying that this kind of self-awareness is intrinsically bad, but when we pass the line of self-awareness into the territory of self-hatred, that’s when we need to make a conscious effort to change our mindset.



I turned to healthy living blogs for my first source of advice, but I took the information completely out of context. Now, we all know that Jenn’s fantastic What I Ate Wednesday linkup is NOT about comparison, restriction, or judgement, but as a girl whose self-esteem was diminishing and desire to lose weight was augmenting, I didn’t take those rules to heart. I read blogs for a year or so before starting Daily Moves and Grooves, and when I first started reading, it was to find weight loss advice.

“She only had 1300 calories in a day, so that means I need to have 1250.”

“No more than exactly one tablespoon of nut butter at breakfast. That’s the standard.”

“She only ate one afternoon snack. I should limit myself to one as well.”

All I can say now is, what in the flippin’ heck!? I wish I could take younger Alison by the shoulders, give her a nudge on the forehead, and tell her, “YOU’RE NOT THAT PERSON. You’re an active, growing person. Your future self needs you to EAT.”

This was my dinner on a regular basis in the midst of my eating disorder. Lettuce leaves, fruit, a smidgen of cheese, and a drizzle of dressing to end a day of school, activities, dance, and studying.

Calorie counting escalated my obsessions very quickly. Calorie counting works for some people, and that’s great! But it absolutely did not and still does not work well for me in terms of my mental health. Where there are numbers, there is critical analysis for me.

I would hide my phone whenever I was counting calories at the table. Day by day, I would cut back just a few more calories, and if I went over my “daily allowance,” I needed to compensate by restricting even more the next day and exercising ASAP.

did have an idea that what I was doing was unhealthy. There were a lot of signs pointing to the fact that my behavior was unhealthy. I mean, I knew to hide my calorie-counting. My dance teachers called home. My hair fell out excessively. I was always cold. A priest told me I was getting skinny. I wasn’t completely naive, but my behaviors became ingrained habits, and they continued to snowball.



I felt a false sense of discipline and pride in the fact that I allowed myself to starve. All the signs that I just mentioned meant that I was getting skinnier, and that’s all that mattered to me anymore. “What was health if I wasn’t skinny? I feel like I’m about to faint? Good. I have self-discipline.”

I had to see that someone else was hurting due to my actions in order to change. My big turning point occurred when my dad confronted me with tears in his eyes and slight anger in his voice. He told me once and for all that I what I was doing to myself was unhealthy and that I had an obligation as his daughter and God’s daughter to stop my habits.

I realize today that eating disorders do not only hurt the victim himself/herself; they hurt the victims’ loved ones too. The more I meet people, especially close friends, who struggle with eating disorders, the more I realize how painful it is to watch them seemingly trapped in an unhealthy, self-loathing mindset. I also remember being cranky, stubborn, and hostile to others who changed my eating habits/schedule, even if they did not intend to.

Healthy living blogs have taken a new and improved role in my life. Both blogging and reading blogs have been a huge part of my support system during recovery. Whereas my focus was on calories and comparison when reading blogs before, my focus now is on overall health of the mind, body, and spirit. I cannot express how much I thank all of you for your support, whether you blog or not, comment or not. You all keep me going.



The way I look at food will never be the same. And that’s not a bad thing. I feel as though once you’ve experienced an eating disorder, food never really has the same role in your life as it once did before you ever fell into an eating disorder.

When I was younger, food was fun, delicious, and often just a necessity.

During my eating disorder, food was something I so desperately wanted, but I made it the enemy.

Today, food is again fun, delicious, and a necessity, but I appreciate 100x more how important it is in keeping our incredibly created bodies in motion every day. I still know the number of calories in many foods, and there are the rare occasions when I feel guilty about eating something. But overall, my mindset has made a complete 180.

I’ve learned when I need to eat, even if I’m not hungry. I’ve learned that dessert in moderation (and sometimes not-so-in-moderation) is a good thing. I’ve learned that healthy food makes me feel good, junk food makes me feel meh, but there’s a place for both in my life/stomach, because they’re both delicious.

I am stronger, both physically and mentally now. Besides gaining a lot more physical strength now that I’m feeding myself properly, I’ve gained more mental and emotional strength than ever before thanks to recovery.

Just a few months ago, one of my close and beloved family members expressed that he thinks my legs are fat. If I had heard this at any point before last year, I probably would have spiraled into depression because my legs used to be the body part of mine which I despised the most.

But when I heard this comment a few months ago, I honestly just laughed it off. Yes, I was slightly hurt, but I know myself. I know my legs are naturally chunkier, but hey, more power to them. They carry me through an insane amount of activity throughout the day, not even including my workouts. If my legs’ abilities and strength have to be compromised in order for them to look skinny, then to hell with that. That being said, if they never look like a CrossFitter’s legs, that’s fine too.

If you have naturally skinny legs, embrace them. If you have naturally thicker legs, embrace them. If they’re somewhere in between, embrace them. They do a lot for you.



If we can find beauty in others, then it is indeed possible to find beauty within ourselves. <— This right here is paraphrasing what my friend Lauren said during a Bible study last semester. We tell our friends how beautiful they are and how great they look all the time, and I like to believe that we’re genuine in saying these comments. So why not genuinely believe that we ourselves are beautiful too? Not just our bodies, but our personalities, our spirits, our smiles.



The human body is an amazing instrument, which is why we want to treat it well. Treating the body well does not equate to attaining a certain shape or size. Rather, treating the body well equates to energizing, moving, resting, and loving it. And I believe that the body is just one element of God’s crowning creation of the whole human person. Energize, move, rest, and love your soul too. ♥

Holy moly.

The End.

Love you.

So tell me:

Anything about everything on this topic.

36 thoughts on “My Eating Disorder: Looking Back and Moving Forward

  1. Thanks for sharing your story, Allison! I’m so glad that you’re in such a better place now. Being able to brush off an insensitive comment is definitely a sign that you’ve gained a lot of confidence 🙂

  2. My Dearest…I am so very proud of you and thank you for sharing this powerful story. You are an amazingly beautiful person, inside and out. We forever love every bit of you! xoxoxo

  3. I Could Probaby write an essay on here for you but I’m just going to keep it short and to the point. You have inspired me in more ways than you will ever know with your wit, strength, faith, and determination. There are days where I come on here and you totally turn my day around with your humor. I cannot thank you enough for all the kindness you have shown me and wisdom you continue to share. I love you pal and forsee many a meetups in our futue:)

  4. Thanks for sharing such a personal story! It’s downright hurtful to comment anything negative about anyone’s body, and as someone with naturally chunkier Legs as well, I completely relate to how you must have felt about them. Next time, I would turn to that person and just say what they sad was rude, and I didn’t appreciate it!

  5. Alison you truly are an inspiration! It must’ve been so hard what you went through and I’m so proud of you for overcoming your disorder, which is something that many people cannot do. But more importantly, thank you for sharing your story! I’m sure this is something that can be hard to talk about but your story helps raise awareness of this issue, in addition to motivating and helping others who are also struggling with this disorder. You are amazing!

  6. It was such an honour to read your story, and the journey you have been on. I remember back when you first started blogging, sometimes I would raise a side eye to the meals you were having as they seemed so small, but never said anything. But now I look at your food and I’m like ‘yes!’. I can say that you’ve been such an inspiration to me, and I cannot thank you enough. This experience has made you a stronger person, and I am so proud of you!

  7. Eeeeep Alison! You seriously never fail to inspire me. You are absolutely fabulous, always have and always will continue to look up to you! So fricken proud of you! Never change, for you are one amazing human being!❤️

  8. This is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing it. Your openness about your eating disorder and your healthy attitude towards food and exercise throughout your whole blog are so encouraging. Keep doing what you’re doing.

  9. Absolutely beautiful post, Alison ❤ Recovery is such a beautiful thing, and you're a perfect example of that. When i was in the depths of my ED, I never imagined that I could be happy at a healthy weight, but now that I'm here, I can't imagine ever going back. There are so many beautiful things to experience in life that an ED prevents us from appreciating, and it's just not worth giving up for a chance to fit into a smaller pair of jeans. Rock on, lady. You're amazing.

    • Thank you, Amanda ❤️ You have been one of my biggest motivations throughout my recovery and just a wonderful “blend” in general. You’re absolutely right— life is much more beautiful when we let ourselves enjoy life to the fullest in true health. You da bomb.

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  11. I relate to the post so much! This is what I am struggling with currently, and it is so reassuring to hear from people like you who have gone through recovery. You are so strong for getting through that time in your life! At this point, if one of my family members mentioned a part of my body as being, “fat” I would definitely spiral out of control. You are an inspiration!

  12. I think it is absolutely incredible that you shared your story to the public at your university. You inspire me, sweet Alison. I can resonate with your story more than I ever realized. I was a gymnast, but never thought I had body issue problems until I look back at that time now. The pressures of the sport can be great for us as we grow up, but it can also be detrimental.

    Thank you SO SO SO much for sharing your story Alison. You are changing lives.

    “we pass the line of self-awareness into the territory of self-hatred, that’s when we need to make a conscious effort to change our mindset.” <— so much yes.

    I seriously felt like I was reading my own story here. You and I are so similar it is scary! Also, it breaks my heart that such an incredible woman as yourself had to endure these struggles. It infuriates me that an eating disorder once held you captive, but I am encouraged by your liberation.

  13. Thank you so much for sharing your story! You gave beauty with your writing to an ugly struggle that so many people have and are still facing. I never had an eating disorder, but I did have disordered eating after losing 20 pounds due to celiac disease complications. It’s easy to let food control our lives, when it should be the other way around!

  14. Sending so much love and positive thoughts your way ❤ it's still so hard to believe someone as generous and kind as you went through such a miserable time. Yet, I'm incredibly happy we both went through it because had we not, we wouldn't have "met" and I wouldn't be able to have the pleasure to know you. I can relate to so many of these and I feel like you're describing exactly what I thought. SO so happy we are both in a wonderful place now 🙂 can't wait until we can meet in person someday!! ❤

  15. Beautiful! I especially appreciate that you had to realize that your ED was hurting others. I feel like the first year after deciding to fight my ED was simply to relieve my parents from their pain. Eventually, though, I realized I wanted better for myself! I am so happy you have found peace. God has a purpose for your life!

  16. Thank you for sharing your story Alison. I find it so brave. I’m in recovery for an eating disorder and reading this was very moving to me. I am glad to hear how well you are doing now in comparison to the past. You are inspiring a lot of people. X

  17. Pingback: Link Love: 3-15-15

  18. Pingback: Honesty, 20 Pounds Heavier, Cinderella's Waist and More - Sunday Link Love #34 | Allison Bryant

  19. Very inspiring story. I am proud of you that you are able to move on forward with your recovery. I guess you can now compare the bigger difference between how you were living your life before and now. I now you won’t trade the feeling you are having now. It makes recovery all worthwhile.

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