Behind the Scenes #30: College Anticipations


Sharing my thoughts, fears, and excitements on Amanda’s blog!

College Thoughts…

1) …On saying goodbye to friends: Life is about to change in 4 days when I leave for college. A bunch of my closest friends have already left, and I can’t help but still feel that it’s not really happening. Either that, or I’ve just accepted this time of transition and I’m cool as a cucumber. Whatever it may be, my goodbyes with all my friends these past two days have been anything BUT emotional. We’re obviously going to miss each other so much, but we all know we’re going to be occupied with new friends and experiences, so it’s more sweet than bitter.


Said goodbye to these three beauties yesterday. They’re gonna kill it!

2) …On saying goodbye to family: I told my dad last night that I think I’ll be homesick, but I don’t think I’ll cry. He just silently smiled, which usually means he’s laughing at me on the inside. He’s right— I’m probably going to cry at some random time during the evening when I’m studying or trying to find some dried figs and Greek yogurt.

At least I’ll have Ben 10 minutes away from me, so we can chill!


If we’re not mauling each other, that is.

3) …On food: I’ve been spoiled silly with my mother’s epic home cooking, but I’ll still be pretty spoiled with the food choices at Boston University. After all, they gave me special healthy cookies when I went there once.

photo 1

I’m also taking initiative on the nut butter front, so #thatnutbutterlife (right, Lilly?) will still be rocking.


Three full jars + a container to bring some to the dining hall for breakfast 😀

4) …On dorming: I’m not too worried about much when it comes to living in a dorm (except for moving in and seeing if everything fits in there), and I’m actually pretty excited! I already know my roommate is awesome, and I’m looking forward to meeting more friends.

Actually, one thing that is on my mind: the showering situation. It’ll take some time getting used to the teeny showers, but I hope I manage well without hurting or embarrassing myself too badly. Number one thing is to not forget a towel/robe when I go to take a shower. “TowelRobeTowelRobeTowelRobe.”

5) …On academics, activities, etc.: I’m just going to play it by ear in terms of figuring out how to balance it all. If I try to plan too much right now, I might get frustrated if things don’t turn out just so. I just know that academics come first, and I hope to get involved in a few clubs and to stay active! Oh, and sleep. That will help.

6) …On making friends: Daliza and I were thinking last night: “How do you even make friends anymore?” Seriously, though! Whatever happens, I’m going to have to keep myself from being this person:



I hope to meet tons of people, but I know my close friends will fall into place eventually. Just let it rock.

7) …On blogging: Oh, beloved blogging. I’m afraid things will be changing quite a bit starting next week since time will be of the essence! I want to continue blogging without a doubt, but I know I will not be able to post as much or read as many blogs. As with everything else, I don’t want to plan my college blogging too much, but I’m hoping to share my moves and grooves semi-regularly while in a new environment!

8) …On taking photos of food: I’m unfazed by taking photos of my food in front of people now since I’m pretty open about my blog at this point. That being said, I’m not going to lug around DSLR camera for pretty food pictures in college (not that my pictures are all that fabulous now). iPhone or point-and-shoot photos are going to be the best I can do, but I’ll just take that as an opportunity to improve my iPhone photography and editing! 😉

One of my favorite iPhone food photos on my Instagram

Miscellaneous Thoughts

9) Moves yesterday included a jump rope warmup, Jess’ lean legs workout, and some pistol squats to Beyonce and Shakira. Shaky legs!

10) I’m going to make peach cobbler today and I’m PUMPED. It’s my favorite dessert ever, and I haven’t had it in maybe 4 years now. Holy moly, I can’t wait. Pray that I don’t mess something up, or else I’ll cry.

Hope you all have a fabulous day!

So tell me:

Any college advice?

If you’re going to college, what are you thinking about?

Which summer dessert do you want to make/have you made?

31 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes #30: College Anticipations

  1. i’m so excited for you and to hear about your journey at BU! you will have a blast and have no trouble making some friends – the right ones will find you. some of my best friends said that they knew we were going to be friends when they came into my dorm room and i was holding a giant (like, massive) container of rainbow sprinkles and was just like “hi! i’m julianna. i really like sprinkles” haha. just be yourself, it works 😉

    one other piece of advice i have is to just get plugged in with 1-2 groups. it’s better to be in a few and be more involved than it is to be in a ton of groups and not so involved – joining clubs is a great way to meet people and make new friends.

    *getting off soapbox* haha i know you’re going to have the time of your life! enjoy it, my first two years flew by so fast already.

    • Ahh thanks, Julianna! Honestly, I always think of you when I talk about my college journey because I remember following your blog when you were just starting college. I kinda want to stalk your old posts about moving in and such 😉
      Yeah I know I’m going to be overwhelmed with the opportunities at BU, but I’ll try to focus on just a couple groups that I’m really passionate about!

  2. Peach cobbler!!! So jealous. Send me some 😉 all of the graduates from here left this past week and it’s so weird! It’s like a whole new chapter in life! In some ways I can’t wait to leave for college, but in other ways I just want to enjoy the rest of high school!

  3. I think you’re totally handling this whole college thing like the rockstar you are 👍👍😉 I wish I had this wisdom when I was going off to my first year!!! Yea I was the one hysterically crying to my mom everyday on the phone begging to come home! Woo hoo for smooth adjustment huh?!🙈🙈🙈😭 lol but the thing is your can get used to ANYTHING! It’s going to be awesome. Just you wait and see:)
    Well I had smore the other week so that was a check on the ole summer bucket lost. But I really want/need some carvel ice cream cake!!! Why don’t I know anyone with summer birthday?!😭
    Have a great day Alison!!

  4. Just promise you’ll still pop in every now and then to say hi, mmmkay? 🙂

    College is pretty amazing times, but it’s not the be-all, end-all, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself to live up to some kind of college experience that you have in your mind. You don’t have to have it all figured out and planned, so just take it all in and -enjoy-.

  5. Yay college! You’re going to love it, and you’ll be fine. I remember when my parents dropped me off Freshman year, and I was so excited but scared at the same time. And now I’m going into senior year and I seriously have no idea where the time went! Don’t worry about making friends, just try and find things that you’re passionate about, and you’ll find people you like :).
    Also your nut butter stash is epic.
    On the homesick front… just remember that home is just a phone call away, and at least you’re within driving distance, right? 🙂

  6. My roommate and I just moved into and we were super worried about fitting all our stuff. Luckily it all fit with plenty of room to spare! There’s surprisingly a lot of storage space.

  7. Having completely missed out on the college experience; I have to chime in and declare I believe your game plan is a good one. Not over stressing and planning to the T sounds like an enjoyable way to go… And knowing you (well as much as I do) : you’ll work it out perfectly in consuming delicious food 😉 .

  8. You are going to have a blast and I’m so stoked your not going with a blogging schedule in your mind- just let things flow naturally- you’ll blog if you have time, you’ll make good friends in due time, but experience it, embrace it and don’t look back.

    I loved American college life (the 6 months I was there) and you will have an insane time.

  9. You will be fine! I was the same a few days before I was leaving – didn’t quite believe it! Then it was the day and I was so nervous – that soon left me when I had set up my room, all my belongings around me and I met a few of my flatmates who were all awesome!
    As to meeting friends, well you just do! Just say hi to people and start talking, that’s how I met some of my best friends at uni – you also make friends with those who you end up sitting beside in lectures and tutorials!
    Sign up for a few extra clubs and activities than you may want to – chances are you won’t love them all but it’s great to try as many out and pick from the . Perfect chance to try CrossFit maybe? 😛

  10. You’re gonna be awesome! I hope you have a ton of fun! BU probably has a billion opportunities in the way of clubs and activities, so if your schedule will allow for it, I’d highly recommend getting more involved in some way, shape or form! :] That’s really part of why I loved college so much, and it made the unbearable parts of school/classes more bearable! (You’ll probably also automatically make friends that way. 😛 )

  11. Not going to lie- I’m really jealous that you are headed to college. I miss it so much. I know that I’m about to start a new chapter with my baby on the way and that I’ve already had my college experience but I really wish I would’ve appreciated it more while I was there! I hope you have a wonderful year!

  12. Oh college advice…Get organized from the get-go! I made sure that my room and the rest of our apartment was perfectly organized when we moved it – it made it less stressful once classes started. Invest in a good planner – and once you have all the syllabi from profs, get the info in there right away! It may take some time, but it was nice to not have to worry about updating it every week. Find out what systems works for YOU when it comes to notes, whether it is handwritten or on a laptop. Lastly, just focus on having fun and being YOU. The friends will come! And when it comes to blogging, just put it where it fits. I tried to start blogging during my junior year, and it just never ended up working out because of my course load + having to work a part-time job.

    • I’ll definitely try to keep things in order throughout the school-year, even though my life loves to gravitate towards entropy. 😉 Thanks so much for all the advice, Kelsey! I know blogging might need to be on the back burner sometimes, but that’s alright. The time will come when I can really settle into it!

  13. How did the peach cobbler turn out?next weekend I’m going to make a Waffles cake for me and my parents! I’ve never made it before but it’s pretty simple. Layer waffles with sliced fruit or berries and whipped cream. I think I’m going for 3 layers of waffle 😀

  14. Pingback: Goodbye, New York | Daily Moves and Grooves

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