Weekly Moves and Grooves XXVIII {Fitness with Friends}

The pressure is finally on.

I was telling you all on Thursday that I wasn’t quite feeling the pressure to study for finals, but it has definitely hit me, don’t you worry. One more week—we can do this! Moving and grooving (especially outside when the sun is out) has been a wonderful way to take a study break and get the blood flowing in between long periods of sitting.

weekly moves and grooves

This week involved more workouts with friends (only two, but that’s still more than usual). I should work out with buddies more often— it’s twice as fun and motivating!




circuit workout a la dorm

4 rounds:

  • 6 chair mountain climber complexes (10 decline mountain climbers ➔ step off to one side ➔ pushup)
  • 20 tuck jumps
  • 10 pushups to T
  • 20 jump lunges
  • 10 burpees
  • 20 modified v-ups

This took a little over 20 minutes, and I was beat from those chair mountain climber complexes.


Purely Twins’ 100 burpee workout


Agh, my favorite.


squats with PJ + assisted pull-ups and burpees + ab tabata

This was my first time ever having a squat buddy! PJ saw that I was at the squat rack and came over to be my spotter (which I guess I should have more often?), and we ended up taking turns squatting our hearts legs out. I don’t remember how many sets I did, but I started with 115# and worked up to 135#.

PJ was squatting somewhere between 200-300# (he’s been in the 1000 pound club— the total pounds of his bench, squat, and deadlift were over 1000 lbs…actually, 1200 lbs!).

Whatever the weight, we were both waddling the next day.

I also did 10 min. EMOM (every minute on the minute):

  • 3-5 assisted pull-ups (70-80# assistance)
  • 5 burpees

Then 4 rounds of 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest:


Rest (for SURE)


4.54 mile run

Hey, hey look at that. I ran! As usual, I was having an internal debate as to whether I wanted to run or not, but the weather was perfect, and I thought it would be a good study break/shake out for my sore legs.


I ran in the afternoon and just took a screenshot of this at night, in case you were wondering about the time.

I wasn’t planning on running negative splits (let’s be real, I don’t usually plan on running, period), but I was chasing this random guy towards the end who was running slightly faster than my pace. Also, starting off slow and steady definitely works well.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset


ultimate frisbee with friends

Wowza, this was a WORKOUT, but it was incredibly fun! I can’t do sports that involve hand-eye coordination usually, but I can do frisbee. We were all smoked after playing, but it was just what we needed during study period.

All my workouts caught up with me by Saturday afternoon after frisbee, so I was walking slower than a snail for the rest of the day. The only thing I wanted to do was eat, foam roll, and sleep. I did one of the three. Guess which one!

{answer: eat}


Hope you all have a lovely Sunday! It’s a steamy 72F today and 81F tomorrow here in Boston!

So tell me:

Do you like working out with friends?

Have you run outside recently?

What was your favorite workout this week? Frisbee wins for me!

2 thoughts on “Weekly Moves and Grooves XXVIII {Fitness with Friends}

  1. HAHAHA I totally start running a little faster if there’s someone ahead of me/across the street from me, too! It’s so on. And I love times like playing ultimate frisbee with friends that end up doubling as a workout 🙂

    As for your questions…I ran outside every day last week and the weather was so beautiful! And I LOVE working out with friends 🙂

  2. Sometimes I like working out with friends, but mostly for motivation – I tend to view exercise as my “me time”. And I really need to get outside with my runs… I’ve been doing a bunch of treadmill running lately, but it’s starting to get really nice outside, so I should take advantage. Good luck with finals!

Your comments are groovy!